Heart attack symptoms

Heart attack symptoms

Heart attack symptoms

Heart attack is one of the common heart problems that poses a great risk to the life of the affected person, and whenever it occurs EarlynessBy recognizing the symptoms of a heart attack and treating the patient, the greater the chance of saving his lifeSimilarity To heal faster.

What is heart attack ?

 A heart attack is a health emergency that occurs as a result of a lack of supply to the heart with the amount of blood it needs, as a result of the formation of a blood clot that impedes blood flow in the coronary arteries that supply the heart muscle with blood and elements, resulting in damage or death of part of the heart muscle, and it is called Heart attacks.

Some symptoms may be simple and limited to a feeling of discomfort and shortness of breath. These are called silent heart attacks. The danger of this type of stroke and mild symptoms is that the patient may not care about them, thus putting his life at risk and causing more blockages in the coronary arteries. .

The causes of a heart attack 

There are many causes that lead to a heart attack, including:

  • Blockage of one of the coronary arteries due to the formation of a clot in it, or the blood clot moving from another area through the bloodstream and settling in the coronary artery.
  • The most common cause is atherosclerosis, which results from the accumulation of cholesterol and harmful fats on the inner wall of the coronary artery, thus causing narrowing of the blood path and poor blood supply to the heart muscle.
  • Low oxygen level.
  • Drugs and cocaine are substances that cause narrowing of the arteries or blood vessels in general.
  • Cases of rupture of the coronary arteries.

There are also some factors that increase the risk of heart attacks in patients, including:

  • Smoking.
  • A diet rich in fats and poor in important elements that promote heart health.
  • Advanced age is one of the important reasons that increases the probability of infection, especially after the age of 45 for men, and the age of 55 for women.
  • Genetic factors and a family history of infection.
  • Menopause in women.
  • Patients with high blood pressure are more susceptible to infection if treatment is not adhered to.
  • Not exercising.
  • Obesity and diabetes.

 What are the signs of the onset of a stroke?

Symptoms of early heart attack Which may indicate the presence of a heart problem, and the possibility of a heart attack, including:

  • The patient feels pressure and pain in the middle of the chest specifically, and it can extend to the arms, shoulder, back, neck, and jaw.
  • A general feeling of pain and discomfort with shortness of breath.
  • During a heart attack, the patient feels dizzy, blurred vision, and extreme fatigue.

Symptoms of a heart attack before it occurs

There are many symptoms of a heart attack, including:

  • Feeling short and difficult to breathe, and suddenly very tired.
  •   Vomiting and nausea.
  • Chest pain, which may involve the arm, shoulder, back or neck.
  •  Excessive sweating and suddenly feeling tired.
  • Stomach pain and pain in the upper intestine are possible symptoms.
  • Women may feel dizzy and dizzy, and they may develop fatigue.
  • Complaining of indigestion and feeling severe heartburn.

Diagnosis of heart attack

If you feel chest pain and symptoms of a heart attack, there are tests that are usually performed quickly because they help diagnose a heart attack, including:

  • Sound waves on the heart.
  • Measuring heart rate using an electrocardiogram (ECG).
  • Coronary catheterization.
  •  Blood analysis to look for the following proteins:

Serum troponin analysis, and creatine phosphokinase CK analysis. MB, in addition to serum myoglobin analysis.

Complications of heart attack

In the event of a recurrence of a heart attack, and the patient repeatedly neglecting the symptoms of a heart attack, and not taking treatment and continuous follow-up, serious complications may occur due to decreased blood supply to the heart muscle and increased blockage in the coronary arteries, and the most important complications are:

  • Arrhythmia.
  • Heart failure.
  • Cardiogenic shock.
  • Death occurs, God forbid.

Treatment of heart attack

Drug treatment

 It depends on the use of:

  •  Thinning medications to maintain blood flow and reduce the chance of a clot.
  • Medicines that help expand the arteries and enhance blood flow through the blood vessels.
  •  Treating the patient’s high blood pressure.
  • Treatment to control blood sugar levels.
  • Cholesterol-lowering medications.

Cardiac catheterization treatment

It depends on the use of cardiac catheterization to install a stent. It passes through the blood vessels in the thigh or arm, and is guided until it reaches the blocked or narrowed artery. Then, a cardiac stent is installed that works to maintain the artery’s expansion and keep it open.

Balloon catheterization: This means using a cardiac catheter with a balloon at its tip and directing it to the site of narrowing or blockage, then inflating the balloon and expanding the artery, thus restoring the supply of blood to the heart muscle sufficient to carry out its functions.

Endoscopic treatment of coronary artery obstruction

It means limited intervention surgery, and it is performed using an endoscope, where small openings not exceeding 5 cm are made, and the endoscope is inserted through them to reach the site of the blocked coronary artery and repair it in the appropriate way.

Minimally invasive laparoscopic surgeries are considered among the safest surgeries, and they guarantee a faster recovery for the patient, a short recovery period, and the patient can return to living his life faster compared to open-heart surgery.

Open heart surgery to treat coronary artery blockage

Some people are not suitable for the use of cardiac catheterization or limited surgical intervention either, and therefore they must undergo open-heart surgery to create a new path for the blood artery, which is called coronary artery bypass grafting surgery. During this process, a healthy blood vessel from another place in the body is used and often the leg.

How do I save myself from a stroke?

There are some things that you must adhere to in order to protect yourself from heart attacks, including:

  • You must continue exercising so that your body does not become accustomed to inactivity. You can walk every day for half an hour, as this will stimulate your blood circulation.
  • You must lose weight, get rid of obesity, and maintain low levels of cholesterol in the blood.
  • You must continue to drink water and fluids.
  • If you feel any of the symptoms of a heart attack mentioned above, you should contact your doctor immediately.

In conclusion, a heart attack is a serious heart problem that may cause the death of heart cells and the occurrence of a heart attack. The sooner the patient recognizes the symptoms and undergoes treatment early, the greater his chance of recovery and the protection of his heart cells from damage and exposure to a heart attack.

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