treatment Congenital heart disease in adults

treatment Congenital heart disease in adults

Treatment congenital heart disease in adults

 Congenital heart defects refer to the abnormalities in the heart structure and tissue that occur at birth. These defects lead to some disturbances in heart function. In some cases, the symptoms and signs of these heart disorders appear from birth or in childhood, while in others they may appear with age.  Treatment congenital heart disease in adults depends on its severity and its impact on the patient’s life. Professor Dr. Muhammed El-Ghannam, a Consultant of Open Heart Surgery and Minimally Invasive Surgery, is one of the pioneers specializing in the treatment of congenital heart disease in adults. He provides all the necessary methods to diagnose and treat congenital defects in adults.

How is adult congenital heart disease diagnosed with Prof. Dr. Mohammed El-Ghannam ?

First Prof. Dr. Muhammed El-Ghannam discusses the symptoms and signs with the patient, then the doctor examines him clinically and usually requests some tests for diagnosis, for example:
  • Echocardiogram: To create images of the heart while beating, it shows the process of blood flow through the heart and its valves.
  • Cardiac catheterization: In this test, the doctor inserts a thin, flexible catheter into a blood vessel usually in the groin area, and then doctor guides this catheter to the heart. This test provides detailed information on blood flow and how the heart works.
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG): This test records the heart’s electrical activity, shows how the heart is beating, and helps diagnose irregular heart rhythms.
  • Heart MRI. A heart MRI: to diagnose and look at congenital heart disease, the test creates 3D pictures of the heart, that allows measurement of the heart chambers accurately.
  • Exercise stress tests: These tests involve walking on a treadmill or riding a stationary bike and checking the heart activity during that, so doctors can detect heart responses to physical activity. 
  • Chest X-ray: it shows the condition of the heart and lungs.

Is congenital heart defect dangerous ?

Professor Dr. Muhammad Al-Ghannam, Consultant in Open Heart Surgery and Minimally Invasive Surgery, points out that the severity of congenital heart defects depends on the type of congenital defect.  As some defects are simple, and the patient needs only periodic follow-ups, such as some types of heart holes, that close on their own as the child grows.  Some other congenital defects require treatment, whether by cardiac catheterization, open heart surgery, or minimally invasive surgery. 

Treatment congenital heart disease in adults with Dr. Mohammed El-Ghannam 

 treatment congenital heart disease in adults with Professor Dr. Mohammed El-Ghannam depends on the type of heart deformity and its impact on the patient’s life, as it is possible to live with some congenital heart defects. The doctor may decide to treat some congenital heart diseases using medications, to support the heart muscle and improve heart function, as well as avoid any serious complications, and this must be in conjunction with continuous monitoring and follow-up with the doctor. However there are some serious congenital heart diseases that threaten the patient’s life and require surgical intervention, and this is what we provide at the clinic of Professor Dr. Mohammed El l-Ghannam, the best heart doctor in Egypt.  And the surgeries performed by Prof. Dr. Mohammed El-Ghannam to treat congenital defects in adults, include the following:
  • Surgery to close a hole between the atria.
  • Surgery to repair aortic stenosis.
  • Treatment of congenital heart valve defects.
  • Coronary artery path repair.
Finally, Professor Dr. Mohammed El-Ghannam confirms that it is now possible to treat congenital heart disease in adults and other heart problems using the minimally invasive laparoscopic technique, without resorting to traditional open heart surgeries and deep thoracotomy. The minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques ensure a quick recovery for the patient and a high safety rate.  One of the most skilled doctors in Egypt with experience in the field of treatment of congenital heart disease in adults and using minimally invasive techniques is Professor Dr. Mohammed El-Ghannam.
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