Coronary artery bypass grafting

Coronary artery bypass grafting

Coronary artery bypass grafting

Coronary artery bypass grafting is a pioneering technique in the field of treating coronary artery disease, and it aims to restore blood flow to the heart. Clogged arteries may cut off blood flow, causing heart attacks or symptoms of a heart attack. And help this process To restore blood flow by Using blood vessels from other parts of the body to create a bridge or connection around blockages.

What is coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG)?

 This surgery (coronary artery bypass surgery) aims to create a new path for blood flow around the blocked artery in the heart, by using alternative arteries or veins from within the patient’s body (chest or leg), then implanting them in the coronary artery after the blocked part, with the aim of improving Blood circulation to the heart, by creating a new connection or bridge to the affected coronary artery.

 Surgery involves taking a healthy blood vessel from some places, such as: the chest or leg area; To improve blood flow and oxygen supply to the heart.

Reasons for performing coronary bypass surgery

 The heart, like all organs of the body, needs a continuous supply of blood, and this is done through small blood vessels called the right and left coronary arteries. But over time, these arteries can become narrow and hardened due to the accumulation of fatty deposits in them, which is called atherosclerosis.

The doctor may recommend coronary bypass surgery to treat coronary insufficiency when the patient complains of recurring chest pain on the left side and the left arm may be stretched or, God forbid, when a heart clot occurs, after performing a diagnostic catheterization of the heart and proving that it is not possible to expand the coronary arteries. By balloon catheterization or the installation of stents, medical recommendations resulting from examining thousands of patients determine that the result of surgical intervention is superior to the result of catheterization in cases of multiple narrowings in the coronary arteries, especially in diabetics, as well as the presence of narrowing in the trunk of the left coronary artery. 

The result of surgery is also superior to catheterization intervention in Cases in which multiple narrowings in the coronary arteries are evident, along with weakness in the heart muscle, where its efficiency is less than 35%.

Causes of coronary heart disease

The chances of developing coronary atherosclerosis increase in the following cases:

  • Smoking.
  •   Getting older.
  •  Overweight or obesity.
  • Follow a high-fat diet

Another condition associated with coronary heart disease is the possibility of rupture (splitting) of cholesterol-containing plaque in the coronary artery, leading to the formation of a blood clot, which blocks the blood supply to the heart, which may eventually lead to a heart attack. Therefore, it is recommended to perform this surgery to reduce the chances of having a heart attack.

How to prepare for coronary artery bypass grafting surgery

Before surgery, the patient must undergo some tests, such as:

  • Angiography.
  • Electrocardiogram (EKG).
  • Performing an exploratory cardiac catheterization to determine the location and nature of the blockage.

How to perform the operation 

Coronary bypass surgery includes the following stages:

General anesthesia

 After preparing for surgery, the anesthesiologist will give the patient a general anesthetic and then place a breathing tube in the windpipe.

Removal of the target blood vessel

This stage aims to obtain the targeted blood vessels from the person’s leg or chest.

Incision and opening

 The surgeon will make an incision in the middle of the chest to access the heart. And connect the patient to a device Artificial heart and lung; To maintain blood circulation and supply the body with oxygen during the operation.

In some cases, the operation may be performed minimally invasively without a midthoracic incision or using the beating heart technique without the use of an artificial heart-lung machine.

Coronary artery transplantation to the heart

 After stopping the heart, blood vessels taken from the patient’s chest or leg veins are transplanted onto the affected coronary arteries in the heart, by connecting new graft vessels on both sides of the blockage to divert blood flow.

Restoring blood flow

  • Doctors will remove the artificial heart-lung machine, then check that the blood is flowing properly.


  •  After checking blood flow, the cardiac surgeon will stabilize the sternum with sutured metal wires position Notch. The patient then moves to the intensive care unit to recover.
  • The procedure usually takes 3 to 6 hours, depending on how many arteries have been modified.

Post-operative advice

The patient must remain under observation after the operation, to ensure that his condition is stable and that no complications occur. After leaving the hospital, the patient must follow the following instructions:

  • Avoid nervous and psychological pressure.
  • Take medications prescribed by your doctor regularly.
  • Do not wear tight and uncomfortable clothes.
  • Conducting checks periodically To reassure On heart health.
  • Change your lifestyle and practice some simple sports activities.
  • Completely abstain from smoking, drinking stimulants, and eating fats and salts.

Advantages of coronary bypass surgery

Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) has many advantages that make it a useful and popular procedure in treating heart problems, including the following:

  •  Safe and reliable technique for treating heart ischemia.
  • It helps to get rid of angina symptoms permanently.
  • Getting rid of the symptoms of narrowing of the arteries, and improving the functional ability of the heart.
  • It is best when a person has several blocked arteries in his heart.

In conclusion of this article, it can be said that coronary artery bypass surgery is a medical operation task It is used to restore normal blood flow to the coronary artery, And it must This operation is performed by a specialized, highly experienced and highly skilled surgeon, to ensure the success of the operation and the correct recovery of the patient.

Therefore, it is recommended that this surgery be performed by Mr Dr. Muhammad Al-Ghannam, Consultant Heart Surgery Due to his high skill and extensive experience in this field, he also uses the best surgical techniques to ensure the best results.

Do not hesitate, your health comes first, book an appointment now with Professor Dr. Muhammad Al-Ghannam, Consultant in Open-Heart Surgeries and Minimally Invasive Surgery!

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