Minimally invasive heart surgery

Minimally invasive heart surgery

Minimally invasive heart surgery is a modern and innovative technique in the field of heart surgery. It aims to repair many heart diseases and improve its function using precise surgical techniques and limited interventions. Minimally invasive heart surgery also has many advantages, including short recovery times and limited pain after surgery.

This procedure requires a specialized surgeon as well as a paramedical team of highly trained doctors and nurses to achieve the desired results.

 What is minimally invasive heart surgery?

 It is a modern and innovative approach in the field of heart surgery, and is considered an alternative to traditional open-heart surgery, and enjoys high success rates. And in This is amazing In this method, the chest bones are not completely incised, but rather a small thoracic opening of about 5 cm is made, and an artificial heart-lung device is not used, which reduces pain and speeds up the healing process.

An endoscope is used in this type of surgery, which improves vision and allows the medical team to perform an accurate operation. This approach features short recovery periods and rapid recovery, which enhances the quality of life for patients with heart disease.

Uses of minimally invasive heart surgery

Your surgeon may use this technique to treat a variety of heart conditions, including:

Surgical intervention for some heart valves, such as replacing the mitral valve and tricuspid valve.

Removal of some benign heart tumors.

Aortic valve replacement.

Coronary artery bypass grafting.

Treatment of atrial fibrillation.

surgery Change course  Coronary artery.

Repairing some birth defects in adults, such as: hole between the atria.

Who are candidates for minimally invasive heart surgery?

There are certain conditions that must be met in cases of candidates for minimally invasive heart surgery, such as:

The presence of a problem in only one part of the heart (a problem in one valve or in the arteries of the heart while the valves are intact for the patient).

There is no weakness in the heart muscle.

The heart has a reasonable efficiency rate.

No deformities in the rib cage (increased concavity of the breastbone).

The presence of a bacterial infection in more than one heart valve.

No increase in pulmonary artery pressure.

There are no severe adhesions around the heart or the patient has had previous heart surgery.

Advantages of minimally invasive heart surgery

Limited surgical intervention has many advantages compared to open-heart surgery, including the following:

Feeling less chest pain.

Less blood loss.

Less blood transfusion is required for the patient after surgery.

Faster wound healing.

Reduced risk of infection.

Smaller, less noticeable scars.

Do not completely incise the chest bones.

Spending less time in intensive care in the hospital.

Shorter recovery period and faster return to usual activities.

Maintaining breathing functions after surgery.

They provide cosmetic advantages, because the cracks are less noticeable.

It is useful For athletes Who are interested in exercising regularly and going to the gym.

We must know well that heart surgery is important Limited intervention Not suitable for everyone, as Professor doctor Muhammad Al-Ghannam Review your medical history and conduct some tests, to find out whether this option is suitable for you or not.

How to perform minimally invasive heart surgeries

This advanced surgical technique is performed through an incision or Small incision  In the patient’s chest, to insert the endoscope into the heart through the small opening instead of completely opening the front bone of the rib cage.

The surgeon reaches the heart through small incisions between the ribs in the chest, by inserting an instrument equipped with a camera video Small ones are placed through one of the surgical incisions for an accurate view of the heart. Recently, 3D vision technology can be used, which helps in performing the required surgery with extreme accuracy and complete safety.

Is minimally invasive heart surgery safe?

Yes, although complications can occur with any type of surgery, minimally invasive endoscopic heart surgeries often have a lower complication rate than open-heart surgeries.

Duration of minimally invasive heart surgery

The duration of this surgery ranges from2 to 4 hours Only hours.

Preparations for minimally invasive heart surgery

The doctor will give you some instructions to prepare before the operation, which are as follows:

1- You may need to stop taking some medications for a short period before the procedure.

2- The hair must be shaved in the area where the operation will be performed.

3- The surgeon will set a specific time to stop eating and drinking before entering the operation.

Who is the best doctor for the procedure? this process؟

He is a professor doctor Mohamed Al-Ghannam, Fellow of the British College of Cardiothoracic Surgery, is the best expert surgeon in these modern medical techniques. He is a pioneer in minimally invasive surgeries in the Arab Republic of Egypt.

How long does it take to recover from heart surgery? With limited intervention؟

 Your surgeon will give you instructions about when you can return to work and other activities, such as driving, exercising, and working. Most people return to their usual activities within two to three weeks.

In conclusion, it can be said that minimally invasive heart surgery is an effective solution to end the suffering of a heart patient, as it corrects many common problems in valves and arteries with minimal complications, and is also characterized by a short recovery period, which contributes to significantly improving the quality of life of heart patients.

So, if you are looking for the best cardiothoracic surgeon in Egypt, Professor Dr. Mohamed Al-Ghannam, consultant in minimally invasive heart surgery, He is one of the most skilled surgeons, famous for his competence in dealing with critical heart cases using the latest devices and modern surgical techniques.

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