أ/د. محمد الغنام إستشاري جراحات القلب المفتوح والتدخل الجراحى المحدود

دكتور قلب وصدر مصر الجديدة - دكتور محمد الغنام

Prof. Dr. Mohammad El-Ghannam, Professor of Cardio-thoracic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University

دكتور قلب وصدر مصر الجديدة - دكتور محمد الغنام

About the doctor

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Ali El-Ghannam, Professor of Cardio-thoracic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University
Doctorate in Cardio-thoracic Surgery
Fellowship of the Royall College of Surgeons of England in Cardio -thoracic Surgery
Fellow of the University of Liverpool and James Cook University in England
Member of the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons.
International member of the American Society of Thoracic Surgery
Member of the Egyptian Critical Care Society.

افضل طبيب قلب في مصر


minimally invasive surgery.

Heart valve surgery

Surgical treatment for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HOCM).

Surgical Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation

Transcatheter aortic valve placement (TAVI)

Heart tumor removal surgery




Coronary artery bypass grafting
Medical Articles

Coronary artery bypass grafting

Coronary artery bypass grafting Coronary artery bypass grafting is a pioneering technique in the field of treating coronary artery disease, and it aims to restore blood flow to the heart. Clogged arteries may cut off blood flow, causing heart attacks or symptoms of a heart attack. And help this process

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Heart tumors
Medical Articles

Heart tumors

Heart tumors are rare diseases, and most cases of heart tumors are discovered by chance, and the largest percentage of them are benign tumors. Heart tumors can be divided into either primary (originating from the heart) or secondary (originating from an organ other than the heart) as follows:  Primary heart

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Cost Of Open Heart Surgery
Medical Articles

Cost Of Open Heart Surgery

Open-heart surgery is one of the large and expensive surgeries, and its high cost is due to several factors, including the equipment, tests, and consumables used in the surgery. It is known that the prices of open-heart surgeries vary between different centers and hospitals, and we will clarify many details

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